Source code for pydna.parsers

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013-2023 by Björn Johansson.  All rights reserved.
# This code is part of the Python-dna distribution and governed by its
# license.  Please see the LICENSE.txt file that should have been included
# as part of this package.

"""Provides two functions, parse and parse_primers"""

import os as _os
import re as _re
import io as _io
import textwrap as _textwrap

from Bio import SeqIO as _SeqIO
from pydna.genbankfile import GenbankFile as _GenbankFile
from pydna.dseqrecord import Dseqrecord as _Dseqrecord
from pydna.primer import Primer as _Primer

# from pydna.amplify import pcr as _pcr
# from copy import deepcopy as _deepcopy
# from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature as _SeqFeature
# import xml.etree.ElementTree as _et

    from itertools import pairwise as _pairwise
except ImportError:

    def _pairwise(iterable):
        # pairwise('ABCDEFG') → AB BC CD DE EF FG
        iterator = iter(iterable)
        a = next(iterator, None)
        for b in iterator:
            yield a, b
            a = b

# "^>.+?^(?=$|LOCUS|ID|>|\#)|^(?:LOCUS|ID).+?^//"
# "(?:^>.+\n^(?:^[^>]+?)(?=\n\n|>|^LOCUS|ID))|(?:(?:^LOCUS|ID)(?:(?:.|\n)+?)^//)"

# gb_fasta_embl_regex = r"(?:>.+\n^(?:^[^>]+?)(?=\n\n|>|LOCUS|ID))|(?:(?:LOCUS|ID)(?:(?:.|\n)+?)^//)"

gb_fasta_embl_regex = r"(?:^>.+\n^(?:^[^>]+?)(?=\n\n|>|^LOCUS|^ID))|(?:(?:^LOCUS|^ID)(?:(?:.|\n)+?)^//)"

# The gb_fasta_embl_regex is meant to be able to extract sequences from
# text where sequences are mixed with other contents as well
# use to get an idea how it works.

[docs] def extract_from_text(text): """docstring.""" data = _textwrap.dedent(str(text)) mos = list(_re.finditer(gb_fasta_embl_regex, data + "\n\n", flags=_re.MULTILINE)) class Fakemo(object): def start(self): return len(data) def end(self): return 0 mofirst = molast = Fakemo() gaps = [] for mo1, mo2 in _pairwise([mofirst] + mos + [molast]): gaps.append(data[mo1.end() : mo2.start()]) return tuple( for mo in mos), tuple(gaps)
[docs] def embl_gb_fasta(text): """Parse embl, genbank or fasta format from text. Returns list of Bio.SeqRecord.SeqRecord annotations["molecule_type"] annotations["topology"] """ chunks, gaps = extract_from_text(text) result_list = [] # topology = "linear" for chunk in chunks: handle = _io.StringIO(chunk) # circular = False first_line = chunk.splitlines()[0].lower().split() try: parsed =, "embl") except ValueError: try: parsed =, "genbank") except ValueError: try: parsed =, "fasta") except ValueError: handle.close() continue else: # hack to pick up molecule_type from FASTA header line if "protein" in first_line: parsed.annotations["molecule_type"] = "protein" parsed.annotations["topology"] = "linear" else: parsed.annotations["molecule_type"] = "DNA" # else: # if _re.match(r"LOCUS\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+aa", " ".join(first_line)): # parsed.annotations["molecule_type"] = "protein" # parsed.annotations["topology"] = "linear" handle.close() # hack to pick up topology from FASTA and malformed gb files first_line = chunk.splitlines()[0].lower().split() parsed.annotations["topology"] = "linear" if "circular" in first_line: parsed.annotations["topology"] = "circular" # assert parsed.annotations.get("topology"), "topology must be set" assert parsed.annotations.get("molecule_type"), "molecule_type must be set" if not parsed.annotations.get("molecule_type"): print(parsed) result_list.append(parsed) return tuple(result_list)
[docs] def parse(data, ds=True): """Return *all* DNA sequences found in data. If no sequences are found, an empty list is returned. This is a greedy function, use carefully. Parameters ---------- data : string or iterable The data parameter is a string containing: 1. an absolute path to a local file. The file will be read in text mode and parsed for EMBL, FASTA and Genbank sequences. Can be a string or a Path object. 2. a string containing one or more sequences in EMBL, GENBANK, or FASTA format. Mixed formats are allowed. 3. data can be a list or other iterable where the elements are 1 or 2 ds : bool If True double stranded :class:`Dseqrecord` objects are returned. If False single stranded :class:`Bio.SeqRecord` [#]_ objects are returned. Returns ------- list contains Dseqrecord or SeqRecord objects References ---------- .. [#] See Also -------- read """ # a string is an iterable datatype but on Python2.x # it doesn't have an __iter__ method. if not hasattr(data, "__iter__") or isinstance(data, (str, bytes)): data = (data,) sequences = [] for item in data: try: # item is a path to a utf-8 encoded text file? with open(item, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: raw = except IOError: # item was not a path, add sequences parsed from item raw = item path = None else: # item was a readable text file, seqences are parsed from the file path = item finally: newsequences = embl_gb_fasta(raw) # nfs = [_SeqFeature() for f in parsed.features] # for f, nf in zip(parsed.features, nfs): # nf.__dict__ = _deepcopy(f.__dict__) # parsed.features = nfs for s in newsequences: if ds and path: sequences.append(_GenbankFile.from_SeqRecord(s, path=path)) elif ds: sequences.append(_Dseqrecord.from_SeqRecord(s)) else: sequences.append(s) return sequences
[docs] def parse_primers(data): """docstring.""" return [_Primer(x) for x in parse(data, ds=False)]
if __name__ == "__main__": cached = _os.getenv("pydna_cached_funcs", "") _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = "" import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) _os.environ["pydna_cached_funcs"] = cached